Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Finished Objects :)

I've been doing a bit of finishing and a bit of casting on...so allow me to share...

Finish #1:  Left Foot Vega$ Sock

This was a really fun (and challenging!) KAL with Knitters' Brewing which I thoroughly enjoyed both knitting and the finished product...I can't wait to get the right foot underway...but I put it on hold so I could produce.....

Finish #2:  Wedding Shawl!

This is the Falling Leaves shawl from Nancy Bush's Knitted Lace of Estonia, which is just a beautiful book.  I really can't recommend it enough.  It's full of lovely patterns, great tips, and I'm just fascinated by knitting culture, which is mentioned quite a bit.  The yarn is Malabrigo lace weight in jewel blue.  I used just barely over a skein.  (Literally the second skein was only for the second strand on the cast off.) I cannot express how excited I am to a)be done with the almost year-long project (yes, it is not a year's worth of knitting, but I cast on just before my birthday last year and now it's almost my birthday again...I have knitting ADD) and b)that it turned out so nicely.  I was very worried when I was casting off because I wasn't right on gauge the whole time (which I know I should have rectified as soon as I noticed, but I'm either stubborn or stupid or both) and it looked tiny until I blocked it.

And I've cast on a Square Cake from knitty for my sister.  It's in Malabrigo worsted weight in jewel blue so that theoretically she could carry it at the wedding and we could match.  Next to cast on is the other vega$ sock...then maybe my first real stab at an original sock design...how exciting would that be?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Alea iacta est!

I'm done with the dice pattern on my vega$ socks! Just the rest of
the foot/toe to do, which will be a breeze compared to the rest of it
since I have the swirly pattern memorized now! Go me!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A pair of twos!

During a long car ride I quickly knocked out the twos. Maybe on the
way home tomorrow I'll get the threes done!

I rolled a one!

The anniversary kal for knitters' brewing is a doozy! Every row is
different, but the end result is magnificent. I'm way behind because
of school, but someday I will have a lovely pair of vega$ socks.