Monday, May 18, 2009

the first sock...the final chapter

so you may or may not remember that this ridiculously large sock was intended for a high school friend of mine. i finished it in time for i decided to hang it in her locker full of hershey's kisses. at first she didn't recognize it as either a sock or a stocking (that speaks volumes about the general sock-y-ness of it)...but after a bit of explanation she was properly impressed/amused. she then proceeded to wear it on her head as a hat for the rest of the season. i got many other requests for sock hats, but did not make any took too long to make a sock that wouldn't even go on a foot! i didn't try socks again for three or four years...but that's another story altogether.

the jaywalker is still in progress...pre-heel turn but getting close. the next clue on the mystery sock comes out on wednesday, so that'll be good. and in the process of moving i stumbled across a half finished sweater that i may or may not the color, not the pattern.

pictures of more socks in the next post!

Friday, May 15, 2009

socks socks socks socks socks

so i don't have time to type out more of the first sock story (recital tonight)...but i thought i'd tantalize you with pictures of one of my socks in progress! it's a mystery KAL through Knitter's Brewing, and I love it! I also finally finished the rollercoaster socks, but not pics at the mo....and i have the second jaywalker of a pair on the needles's my back up knitting for when i'm waiting on more clues for the mystery!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

the first sock...and many others

so we were going to pick up the stitches for the gusset.  having no idea what it actually meant to pick up stitches, i first tried to get the needle to go through the stitches parallel to the heel flap, because that what what direction i was knitting before.  then i figured out that perhaps i should try it perpendicular to the flap.  so i get all million stitches on a needle, then read "knit across the front, then pick up the other side".  that didn't make any sense to me, because i hadn't used the yarn to pick up the stitches, just shoved my needle through.  so my working strand was still back at the heel.  fortunately i decided that there was no way that the pattern meant for me to pull the string way down to the bottom, so i did knit along the side (with great difficulty) and across the front, then did my gimpy pick up, then knit.

there was nothing remarkable about the gusset decreases except that i used k2tog for all of them since ssk was way beyond my level of comprehension.  but in the grand scheme of things. the non-mirrored decreases were the least of my troubles.  so i got the gusset decreased, then read, "knit to within 2 inches of the toe".  well, as the wise among you may already have guessed, i was already at or beyond 2 inches of the toe...worsted weight yarn and giant needles will do that for you.  :)  but for good measure i decided to knit a few rounds even since that's obviously what i was supposed to do.

i then worked one of the saddest, pointed toes ever, so i wouldn't have to deal with grafting live stitches at the end.  so i managed to spend many many frustrated hours producing what might be the most grossly disproportionate sock of all find out how it was received,'ll have to wait for the next installment.

back to the present:  i promised pictures of the watermelon mitts.  i can't find my camera, so i took one with my computer.  you'll have to excuse me looking ridiculous in the background...

and here are the urban rustic gloves i think i mentioned a million years ago

i have a new pair of socks almost done, and i'm in the middle of a mystery KAL for a pair of beaded lace socks...VERY exciting!